How To Plant Sweet Corn With Polybag
Plant corn,having limited land does not mean that you cannot garden. Gardening can be anywhere, whether on a large area or on small land, all problems can be tricked if you want to be a little creative. For those of you who live in urban areas, who certainly have only a few empty spaces that can be used for gardening, you can try the following system.
pict: corn Polybag
You don't need to worry about wanting to plant. Plant using what or how to plant the tricks.
Any plants can be planted, and any media can be used for planting. The main thing is that you must be creative in responding to the conditions and want to learn. Such as planting corn, if you don't have enough land you can plant it in a polybag.
try planting corn on small land, there is certain satisfaction when we harvest, the steps to plant corn are polybags:
Corn Planting System in a Good and True Polybag, Take a small polybag with a diameter of 15 centimeters, and fill it with a combination of planting media (soil husk and manure) for manure, can use chicken / goat / pig manure, with a comparison of husk soil and manure 1: 1. Plant corn seeds into media plants, make one polybag using 2 corn kernels. Cover corn kernels using planting media, just thin them, then after they are flushed with water for a long time.
Place a polybag, which has been planted with corn kernels, in an open place and get direct sunlight, not to dry. Try hard so that the land used to grow corn is always wet and contains water. Watering can be tried 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening. Generally, corn seeds will germinate and close the leaves 6-8 days after planting. After the leaves begin to grow, watering directly uses hydroponic nutrients near 1100 (parts per million) (6: 6: 2). Watering directly uses hydroponic nutrition throughout the week.
After the corn plant is opened about 26 days after planting, the compilation of stems has begun to grow and the leaves begin to solid, planting into polybags or larger places. When removing plants, include planting media so that the plant roots are not damaged. By scissors polybags from the side then tear slowly. Always remember not to be damaged.
Move to a polybag or other larger place. This is done so that the planting media for your corn plants, use not too dry during the day
Fill the planting media with the same composition (soil husk and manure) 1: 1, almost fulfilling the polybag, around up to 5/6 polybags. When corn plants have started 49 days after planting, corn plants are faster. Don't forget to keep watering the corn plants when it's not raining, until the plants don't dry out.
how to make superior corn kernels, how to make corn kernels can't use any corn kernels. Instead, it must fulfill several conditions. The requirements for making corn seeds that can be done, namely, the corn that will be made into seeds must come from fertile corn and free from pests.
pict:sweet corn
Corn from corn must be dried in trees. Corn also comes from corn whose flowers have been removed previously. Corn must also come from corn with a large cob. The next step is, corn is picked and left for 2 nights. After that, open the epidermis with only 3 layers to hang.
The best hanging place is a hanging above the kitchen or under the edge of the house. What needs to be considered, avoid corn from direct sunlight. After the corn is hung for two days, corn husks can be opened. Before being pipilized, the corn tip was cut by 3 cm and the base part was cut by about 5 seeds.
Then, the corn is then distributed, but good seeds come from corn with a straight line. After picking, the corn seeds are dried for 3 days, with drying time of only 2.2 hours a day starting at 8am - 10am. Because, if the drying is done at 11.00-12.00 and so on, the corn seeds will die of heat.
Before planting, corn seeds must be soaked in liquid fungicide. So that corn seeds do not produce toxic diseases,2 kg of corn mixed with 10 grams of Ridomil mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of water. After soaking for 1 day or overnight, put it in a jar.
Good nursery, not necessarily able to produce good production too. Farmers must also pay attention to the land and fertilizers used in cultivation. In addition, disturbing plants such as weeds must be eradicated, so as not to affect the results. When planting, don't forget to use organic fertilizer as fertilizer. for the rest, you can add your own experiments, hopefully useful
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