Special Bird Nest Swallow’s Useful for Health
The Swallow's Nest is produced by a swallow, the swallow makes a nest of the water of his wine that will gradually harden itself. This bird usually lives in the cave, so that saliva also serves to attach the nest to the sky of the top wall of the cave to stick.

pict: swallow's birdSwallow Nest as a food that is delicious and has a lot of health benefits, especially to prevent aging, treat various diseases, and as a passion enhancer, so it is a very special food and the price is very expensive.
The Swallow's nest is made of swiftlet saliva itself, and in the wild it is usually made in a damp and dark place such as caves on the cliffs that are hard to reach in humans.

Soup swallow's nest
Swallow Nest also has a high protein content that is good for the mixture of food. Usually often processed into a mixture of various foods such as soups
Because so processed swallow nest if consumed routine can make the skin more clean and brighter
Swiftlet nests contain threonines that support collagen production and form elastin that are essential for reconstructing the structure of skin cells so better and when combined with glycine content, potent prevents wrinkles, acne and Reduce the formation of black spots and make the body skin smoother
Swallow nests are known to contain a variety of complete nutrients that are potent to neutralize toxic content in the body and stimulate the growth of red blood cells. Swallow Nest can also help kidney performance in order to function optimally. For cardiovascular health, the content in the swallow nest can lower cholesterol levels in the blood to avoid blockages in the blood vessels
Traditionally, swallow nests are believed to have the power to strengthen the lungs, as well as have been used to heal and strengthen the body's resilience from low blood-related diseases, high body temperature, and other diseases.
Consuming a bird's nest is also recommended to help treatment for degenerative diseases such as cancer, also to restore health after illness or postoperative. It has also been claimed that the Swallow's nest contains elements that can stimulate cell growth. How, interested to explore the bird's Nest Swallow's? Hopefully useful
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