How To Relieve and Reduce Pain In Teeth
Pain problems often strike amid the activities or activities that you are doing. This feeling of pain and pain can affect your mood so it must be treated immediately. This is because your busy activities must be continued or cannot be left just because your teeth are sore. Suddenly when eating ice teeth feel sore or more commonly known as sensitive teeth.
pict :Strong-teeth/pxh
This sore tooth can be caused by several factors such as holes, patches or when chewing. Several types of pasta now have many functions to deal with sensitive teeth. In addition to using toothpaste for sensitive teeth, there are several ways to deal with aching teeth that can be tried.How to Treat Painful Teeth Naturally:
Gargle with salt water
Salt water is proven to be an effective and inexpensive anti-bacterial so that it is widely applied by traditional and modern society today. But how to treat aching tooth pain is not done immediately by swallowing salt. But by mixing one spoonful of salt with warm water which is then used similar to mouthwash or mouthwash. Gargle with warm salt water for a few minutes then vomit and repeat several times until the taste of the juice is reduced.
Garlic and onion concoction
Tooth pain relief can be taken by chewing onion slices of garlic or onion. This is because the oil content in the form of a germ killer enzyme causes pain. How to treat dental pain is quite effective even though the rancid taste of garlic or onion is quite strong. But this rancid taste will certainly not be how ignored when a great sense of pain attacks you. It is known that by chewing pieces of garlic or red sown with a little salt for 3 minutes it can kill all germs in the mouth naturally.
Other Causes of Tooth Pain
Other causes besides thinning and open layers of enamel and dentine in the teeth are as follows:
1. Brush your teeth too much
Brushing your teeth too hard or irregular until the teeth bleed. Try to brush your teeth proportionally: not too slow and not too strong, rough or excessive.
2. Allowing accumulation of food scraps between teeth
It can also trigger food decay and support the rapid proliferation of bacteria and damage tooth enamel so that the teeth become more sensitive and painful.
3. Food and drinks are too hot, too cold, too sour or too sweet, Eating food too hot, too cold like ice also causes toothache. Avoid foods and drinks like that.
4. continuous dental infection
Dental infections can occur due to injury or due to bacterial attack
How to Overcome Painful Teeth Due to Perforation
There are a number of ways to deal with pain pain naturally that you can try. Painful teeth which are often caused by cavities, teeth after patching, which usually often appears when chewing. For those of you who have problems with pain or sensitive teeth, you can apply them to get well and can enjoy food and drinks without interruption.
how to deal with aching teeth.
Use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth, toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth is widely available in stores and markets and you can use it so the pain problem is gone. Toothpaste like this usually contains protective substances for tooth enamel, pain relief and cleansing teeth from germs.
Now there are many types of toothpaste specifically created for sensitive teeth. So friends will no longer have trouble looking for this type of toothpaste.
2. Regularly using oral cleansers, mouthwash is used regularly and routinely to keep the mouth and teeth clean so that bacteria and decay from food debris between teeth become clean.
3. Choose a soft toothbrush, Besides being advised to avoid brushing your teeth roughly, you should also choose a soft toothbrush that does not cause irritation and infection in the teeth. Because a hard and stiff toothbrush can cause thinning of the tooth enamel due to erosion every day.
4. Do not consume food too hot or cold, Try to wait for food to cool or warm when the food is just ready to be cooked. Don't rush and greedily chew it in hot conditions. Similarly, when drinking ice or fruit cooled in a refrigerator, wait until it cools first and then can be consumed.
Those are some tips and ways to treat aching toothache that can be explained, for aching tooth problems that may be experienced by sufferers. These methods are included in a natural way besides consulting a dentist and can be done as a wise first aid step, Hopefully it can be useful
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