Step By Step Of Stage Practically Increasing Chocolate Trees
Chocoa Farmers. Generally in the development of agricultural plants that are tried by farmers are generatively derived from seeds, so as to cause plants from the vegetative propagation process to age longer about - / + 9 years more, then want to explore the period of plant creation.

pict: cocoa garden store
This is one of the obstacles in productivity, as well as the quality of plants produced.
Along with the growth of science and technology, the obstacles that can be overcome can be overcome by using the top-up method.
Connecting shoots is a method of plant propagation combined between propagation from seeds with one part of a branch or twig from another type of plant.
The method of plant propagation using a top-grafting procedure that is very often used is by mixing the base stems and upper stems.
Using the base stem is expected to be a stem that is resistant to soil pathogens and wants to be strong.
Instead, use the upper trunk because it is a part that has such a creative personality that is desirable.
The base stem is generally used from plants that grow from seeds or vegetatively so that the roots will later be more sturdy.
However, the base stem from seeds has a different personality or segregation.
The combination of the plant parts that are put together later will grow to form a new type of plant, with advantages in terms of its root type which becomes more robust, the time or fruiting period becomes faster.
the dimensions of the plant are slightly shorter, and the character of having a genetic character is character from its parent a kind of fruit dimension, thick fruit flesh and sweet and immune to disease.
The material needed in the splicing process is the part of the plant that wants to be joined or pronounced the top stem / entres can shoot shoots and side shoots.
Instead the base that receives the connection is understock.
The method of obtaining the base stem is by seeding the seeds of local plants with good roots and resistant to root rot.
The gap connecting method with entres which has 2–4 buds shoots, for the level of success of the connection reaching up to 89%.
The base rod is ready to connect if the diameter has dimensions of 0, 6 centimeters or more.
Try to cut the shoots on the part that looks brownish and then allow the base leaf strands to always be located on the base of the stem.
Then on the right part in the middle of the rest of the piece is cut using a sharp knife about as deep as 1,5-2,5 centimeters.
Entres come from parent plants that are in healthy condition, it is at the base of the entris in both sides as far as 3-4 centimeters to form a wedge and then insert the wedge part of the entris into the base stem gap after that add a braid using a plastic strap, cover it with a bag
transparent plastic so that it is always in humid conditions and place it under shade.
This plastic lid is opened if the buds at the joint are damaged, at least age at least 1 month. Equipment - the equipment needed for connecting shoots is special cuttings, cuttings or cans with cutter knives, and plastic straps.
Connection steps:
Selection of base rods with approximately the same diameter as the upper stem. Cut the base stem approximately 20–25 centimeters from the ground / approximately 3 centimeters from the hypocotyl part. After that the base of the stem is split near 2 - 2, 5 centimeters.
Next the upper stem has been prepared and then discard the leaves, then slice it on both sides of the branch as far as 2, 5 centimeters so that it looks like a form of the ax's eye
Then the top stem is inserted into the inside of the base of the stem.
Binding or dressing that is attempted by using paralon insulation or can also use rope made of plastic bags.
It needs to be known, if the purpose of this sealing is to protect moisture.
to always be large, and also want to reduce the evaporation that is interwoven near the connection.
Then place the plants that have been connected before, in the shade. or should be given shade so that it can be free from direct solar heat.
The final step is to care for the seeds until they are ready to be planted in the garden, approximately 90 days to 120 days after that.

pict: market store, processed cocoa
Consumers of cocoa cultivation are indeed not difficult, consumers of cocoa cultivation are quite large. where cocoa is a delicious chocolate ingredient, which is liked by various age groups.
The lack of a cocoa cultivation business, namely cocoa cultivation has a large and tight level of competition, and harvesting fruit that is not suitable, can interfere with poor quality cocoa beans
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