How To Reduce The Smell Of Alcohol In The Mouth
Alcoholic drinks, one of which is beer, but its existence is still a pros and cons, Indeed alcoholic beverages are not good for body health even though there are studies that report alcoholic beverages have properties for the body.

pict:Alcoholic Drinks
Alcohol has long been known as a drink that has hundreds or even thousands of negative consequences for the body. Although alcohol also has a positive effect on the body, the negative consequences are far greater. Especially if alcohol is consumed in excessive amounts.
The impact caused after alcohol consumption can also be experienced quickly in just a few minutes, but the effect is different, depending on the amount / content of alcohol consumed.
The impact of alcohol that is often found is that it can make you drunk, tired, change the appearance of your face, and also cause alcoholic breath (bad breath). Now, what is the system for removing bad breath from drinking alcohol? For those of you who have (often) consumed alcohol, of course you are curious?
Let's follow the description to the end:
Overcoming bad breath due to alcohol
As we all know, alcoholic mouth can harm us, especially if we are obliged to meet other people.
There is absolutely no system of removing bad breath from drinking alcohol (beer) where the odor will soon disappear. Indeed, the aroma does not want to be able to disappear quickly. The odor will disappear gradually.But you can control it.
Then the system removes the smell of alcohol
from inside the mouth:
Food consumption
Eat when you enjoy alcohol again. Eat small foods such as popcorn, potato chips or if you allow to eat foods containing ginger, a type of ginger chicken. These foods are thought to absorb alcohol from your body. Because of that one system eliminates bad breath because alcohol is a lot of consumption of this food.
Drink lots of mineral water.
Drinking lots of water can help reduce bad breath from alcohol. Water replenishes body fluids due to lack of drinking and increases the formation of saliva, which can reduce alcoholic breath

Rinse yourself with warm water (bathing)
Believe me, alcohol also seeps into the pores, which causes the smell of alcohol to come out of the body, so bathing is a thing to try after drinking alcohol (beer)
Eat fresh fruits
Eat fruits such as apples, bananas and other fruits. The subject is reducing bad breath. Such a system removes bad breath after drinking alcohol. And one subject which also means not driving a vehicle when you are under the influence of alcohol.
Although there are several benefits of consuming alcohol for health, there are worse effects. Consuming alcoholic beverages such as beer should be tried responsibly because the health problems that arise are greater than the positive benefits that can be given.
It is important to tell people about the effects of alcohol on their bodies so that they can drink responsibly. If you cannot manage alcohol consumption so that you are always healthy and don't overdose, you should not consume alcohol at all.
Brush your teeth
Brushing teeth describes a system that removes alcohol odor which is quite efficient. Brushing your teeth can help reduce bad breath because of alcoholic beverages. You should use toothpaste that smells strong (menthol), and share the bonus when rubbing longer than usual.
Chewing Raw Garlic
Ingredients that smell like garlic can help cover the breath odor of alcohol. Apparently, the aroma of garlic is so strong that when covering alcoholic breath, the aroma of garlic will leave your bad breath.
Use mouth freshener
After brushing your teeth, make sure to gargle using a mouth freshener. A mouth freshener that has menthol to cover up bad breath from drinking alcohol.
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