System for Curing Wounds with Natural Materials
if you are a person who likes sports, you must be aware of injuries due to injury.This is something that almost everyone experiences. Very universal exercise wounds are sprains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, back pain, and others.
Most people sort out painkillers to cure the problem. However, there are some home-based solutions that can be very tried, this drug has no side effects.( Turmeric ) : Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory character and has been used for a very long time to treat all types of injuries.
This reduces swelling and shares the urge from sore muscles.
What you need to try is to put 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of hot milk and drink it 2 times a day. You can also make pasta with turmeric powder and ghee.
Apply the combination to your injury and wrap it on top, Make sure to change your dressing 2 times a day.
( Petroleum jelly ) : Petroleum jelly or tar oil is an excellent material for curbing blister development (or breaking it down).
Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the blister to prevent friction in the surrounding tissue.
Transparent jelly reduces pain and swelling in the injured area and strengthens the treatment process.
( White vinegar ) : White vinegar helps correct swimmer's ears. Inflammation is intertwined when the pH level (per-hydrogen) of the ear falters because there is so much water vapor and a little bit of earwax in the ear canal.
This situation makes the ear where the germs grow.
To overcome this, enter 0, 20 milliliters of white vinegar into your ear canal. Repeat this 3 times a day for 2 days.
( Ginger ) : Ginger has a strong anti-inflammatory character. This can intensify the treatment process.
You can put ginger in a meal or drink ginger tea.
You can also try ginger bathing.
Not bad, enter 2-3 tablespoons of ginger juice into the bath water.
If you have sensitive skin, please be aware because raw ginger, and dry can cause skin irritation.
( kastroli oil ) : kastroli oil can help reduce pain and help treat wounds. Moreover, it helps reduce pain.
Heat a teaspoon of castor oil and massage a swollen piece.
Cover the fragment with a small piece of cloth to keep away from the spots on the clothes you are wearing.
Let stand for 24-35 minutes so that the oil is completely absorbed into the skin.
( Pineapple and pomegranate juice ) : Both of these juices are packed with enzymes that have anti-inflammatory and anti-irritating properties.
The compound strengthens the treatment process, Take any juice and add one teaspoon of ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric in it. Consume this drink 2-3 times a day.
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